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Knob Modification?

Customer (PF13L160_Stabilizers): 

I just got a powerflamer 160 (propane, long leg with stabilizers, manual ignition)
Question 1: am I able to safely remove the gas adjustment knob and replace it with a lever of some kind ?
It is difficult to tell the power level of the flame by sight alone as I cook in broad daylight, yes I can hear the power of the flame but sometimes that’s not enough.
Question 2:
I have the long leg version. I see the metal table/ stand you sell in “accessories” if for the short leg version of the stove. Does that really matter? They appear to be the same would I be able to put my long leg stove (obviously without the legs) in the metal stand if I wanted to later on ?
Thank you !


The concern of changing the knob to any level is that the level tends to allow too much force into the shaft and the valve body.  This will wear out the valve much quicker, if not damage it at the beginning.  Can you draw marker (using a permanent marker) on the knob instead?

For fitting into the stand hole, you simply remove the long legs.  Without the long legs, the stove is a short leg version, ready to be inserted into the stand hole.


The permanent marker idea will work I was also thinking the lever would be more convenient flame adjustment but that’s ok.

One more question I watched the video concerning how to know when the flame power is too high I believe it was #2 on the list

May I ask why the design is this way where the flame backfires on to the gas line ? It seems very dangerous. Anyone could no watch that video and adjust their flame to full power not knowing the danger of that.


Good question.  The flame going downward is due to combination of raising too much power from the stove along with a wok on top of the stove blocking the flame upward.   Our latest stove design already improves this situation to our best, although we can’t guarantee for all woks out there.    This is why we warn at ship time.