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Tank connection in Norway

Customer (PF13L160EI_STabilizers_Cover): 

Hi,  Stirfyer is now operational and first very promising results. Excellent.

Just wanted to give you another feedback in case you get more customers from Norway. I was struggling to connect the fryer to the propane bottles here. A combination of your link below and some further googling solved the issue.

I solved by 

1) getting a bottle with industrial connector

2) connected to this adapter–klima/gassinstallasjon/andregassdeler/overgang-propangasol-eurpol/?code=28203    which connects to the ‘German’ system.

3) connected that to the adapter from your link below (US-German)

4) and that to the fryer.

Took me some time to work this out, it may be of help to your other customers.  



Thank for your information on how to solve the connection.   Instead of having two adaptors, you might want to use one like Propane LP Tank Adapter POL x ACME QCC 1 Tank Adapter.  Best.