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I have received the PF9L130 yesterday and it works great.


Tom, Washington (PF13L130)

I have received the PF9L130 yesterday and it works great.  My wife is extremely happy with it.  The PF9L130 is my first experience with using a 20lb propane tank.  If the PF9L130 regulator and the propane tank is in the off position, is it safe to simply leave the propane tank connected to the PF9L130?  I find it troublesome to have to disconnect and connect daily for my wife.  Thank you and hopefully you don’t mind my ignorance in using propane. 

Our Answer (if any):
If you or your wife already turn off the propane tank valve and the regulator after cooking, it is safe to leave the stove regulator connected to the propane tank.  The key is to shut off the tank valve and not to rely solely on the stove regulator in close position.