I like to understand the effect of wok-hei on flat noodles with some fish sauce and sweet sauce. i tried many times and failed to achieve this at home. pls advice. many thanks.
We would not want to claim that we are expert on wok-hei. So if you have different opinion, please let us know. If you can speak Cantonese, than you should understand that wok-hei can be directly translated into “smell or taste from a wok”. Typically this applied to some food that can be coated with cooking oil, then the cooking oil catches fire briefly, to leave a layer of initial charring type smell or taste. Catching fire seldom occurs at home cooking since it is unsafe in an enclosed space and quite messy. Thus wok hei is rare and favored. If your noodle is wet and you apply various sauce, then the surface of your noodle will have hard time to catch fire. Another condition for fire catching is that your wok has to be at quite high heat and you have open flame from your stove (electric stove does not have) to introduce the flame to your wok surface.