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How do you regulate the flame to minimize the yellow flame?


John, CA((PF13L130)

Hello–I just received a 13″ 130K burner from you.  How do you regulate the flame to minimize the yellow flame?  I have read the instructions on adjusting the air flow control thoroughly.  I have adjusted the air flow control along with the red knob adjuster as well as the additional in line flow control without success.  Opening the air flow to wide open does reduce the yellow flame somewhat but there is still very little blue color to the flame which means it is not as hot as it could be.  It does not seem to be getting enough air/oxygen.  The propane tank is full and the valve on the tank is wide open.  Any suggestions?

Our Answer (if any): What we found was that it is impractical to get 100% blue flame at all time.  Sometime it helps for us to turn to maximum power and then return to small flame.  In this way the flame tends to have more blue.  Hope this helps.