I am trying to decide whether to buy your propane powerflamer or natural gas easy flamer stove. The easy flamer has the advantage that I could hook it up to my home natural gas line, and I wouldn’t have to buy propane. I realize that it is not nearly as hot as the powerflamer, and was wondering if the heat difference makes a big difference in cooking quality. We have never cooked with a stove hotter than 16k btu; we do not know how difficult it would be to cook on a powerflamer stove. We also do not know if we would often use it at the high heats that the easy flamer does not produce (what do most people do?). We wondered what stove you would suggest, for ease of cooking and best food quality.
First thing to mention: all our stoves are for outdoor uses. If you have a natural gas line that can be extended to outside of your house, then EasyFlamer natural gas stove is applicable. Assume that your choice of propane and natural gas is valid, PowerFlamer stove might be a better choice for your situation. You only need to buy a propane tank every other 3-6 months. PowerFlamer stove provides much wider power adjustment for much better cooking experience. Its wind guard is also superb for all time outdoor cooking.