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Lead time for quick-ship PowerFlamer propane 160 stoves


When is the projected time these burners will come available for purchase?


For quick-ship, we don’t know when.  We might never open for quick ship order because we might be too busy fulfilling our long lead time order list once our next cargo arrives.   We are open for pre-order for long lead items.  Long lead time is 6~12 months from order to ship. 


Will you fulfill long lead time orders before opening up for quick orders?  I’m asking if I place the order long lead time if you will send me my item before you start letting more people order for quick delivery. I
assume this is the case but wanted to confirm. Thanks.


It is confusing, isn’t it?  We are confused as well some times. Answering your question helps us clearing up our mind. We have not made up our mind fully.  But judging from our limited capacity, I would say quick ship ordering will have to wait until we feel comfortable in handling the long lead orders after our next cargo arrives.