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Questions on PowerFlamer Stove Options.


Hi there. I’m looking to buy one of your PowerFlamer Propane 160 Stoves, and I’m hoping you can help me clarify some things. Is the IEI the only option that has the new 6″ burner? Is the manual EI the only option with a pilot light? If the electric starter on the IEI fails (they commonly do, right?), will you have to reignite between dishes with a lighter? The manual EI ignites with a turn-and-click sort of knob, and no lighter needed, right? Do you sell an option that has the new burner, is easy to start/stop between dishes, and without worry of that breaking? It seems like right now, you can only have the new burner, or a reliable ignition, but not both. But I don’t see why you’d move forward with the IEI if it were majorly flawed. Hoping you can help me understand… Separately, “tankandbottle,” what does this technically add to the stove? Is that an enhancement that I could add later if needed, or it has to be included up front?


Is the IEI the only option that has the new 6″ burner? – yes

Is the manual EI the only option with a pilot light? – the manual option is the only one having the pilot light.  The EI has an electronic ignition as the right knob. 

If the electric starter on the IEI fails (they commonly do, right?), will you have to reignite between dishes with a lighter? – You can use a long nose BBQ igniter if both IEI and EI electronic ignition fails.

The manual EI ignites with a turn-and-click sort of knob, and no lighter needed, right? – the EI right knob is for ignition.  You do not need a long nose BBQ ignitor when this is working.

Do you sell an option that has the new burner, is easy to start/stop between dishes, and without worry of that breaking? –  You can default to use manual BBQ igniter by ignoring the electronic function even for the IEI version.

It seems like right now, you can only have the new burner, or a reliable ignition, but not both. But I don’t see why you’d move forward with the IEI if it were majorly flawed. Hoping you can help me understand… – you are right, the IEI version is not flawed.

Separately, “tankandbottle,” what does this technically add to the stove? – please read

Is that an enhancement that I could add later if needed, or it has to be included up front? – yes.  There is an extra piece to connect to a 1lb bottle. 


Thanks so much for the fast reply. Quick follow up… So then, are you recommending the IEI for most people, since you consider the gen 2 to be a universal improvement over the EI? Like, the IEI has both the manual and electric ignitions, so you only need a long nose BBQ igniter if both fail? Is it easy enough to turn down the flame ultra low on the IEI, to the point where it’s basically approximating what the pilot would be? Or is it probably going to shut off completely when you try that?


IEI has only one knob.  There are customers who are used to indoor range and prefer single knob operation.  We would consider IEI more expensive, a bit more powerful than the EI.  IEI may not fit everybody’s budget.   Both IEI and EI have electronic ignition.  You can use long nose BBQ igniter to manual ignite the main burner in case the electronic ignition fails.  IEI does not have manual ignition and pilot light.  Burner flame of all PowerFlamer stoves (manual, EI and IEI) is continuously adjustable.  At minimum, they can be blown off by wind.