Questions: I want to purchase a propane stove and wok combination but have several questions. Why would one need a PF 13L 160 but output over say a PF13L 70? I like the heft and sturdiness however, is this overkill for wok cooking? Secondly, the PF 13L 160 has an odd shaped grate on the cooking surface where the burner enters the unit. Is this for safety? It appears that a wok would sit crooked on the cook top.
Answers: Both PF13L160 and PF13L70 are continuous. There are situations where people like much faster heat up time where PF13L160 should do much better than PF13L70. The extra stand up area on the wok grate is to prevent heat flame from reaching out to the cook. For PF13L160 this grate can be placed not only aligned with the burner control arm but also any angle where the cook prefers to stand. For PF13L70 the cook can’t stand opposite to the burner inlet since that is where the flame exits. The wok will sit flushed on the PF13L160 grate.