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(PF13L160EI) Please can you tell me if the top part where the wok rest is attached to the burner or two pieces

Inquiry:  For PF13L160EI, Please can you tell me if the top part where the wok rest is attached to the burner or two pieces.

Outdoorstirfry:   For both PF13x160EI and PF13x160 stoves, the top wok adapter is a separate piece sitting on top of the wind guard.  This gives the flexibility to rotate the adapter to block the flame coming toward the cook wherever he/she stands.   

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What type of wok do you recommend for use with it?

Customer (PF13L160):

I did receive the powerflamer, and I am in the process of getting my set up ready. What type of wok do you recommend for use with it? Do you suggest flat bottom or round?  Thanks.


Either round or flat bottom wok should work.   More importantly please choose a wok with long handle to prevent the flame to burn your hand when you operate the wok during cooking.  Bests.