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White on paint and smoke questions?

Customer (PF13LQN120): 

I have some questions/concerns about my wok burner.  Inside the stand on the corner of the three support pieces that hold the wok up, it appears that the coating that covers the metal is burning off.

I don’t know what the coating is, the sort of grey texture that’s on the surface has turned white and ash like in that area. When I use the stand for an extended period of time (5-10 for a big batch of something or multiple batches) it seems to get worse and there is a bad smell coming out of the inside like fumes.

I’m concerned these fumes are unhealthy and may be dangerous, they don’t smell good, or could end up transferred into my food. 

I have attached some pictures to try to show you the problems areas. Please advise whether this is normal. 

I have only ever used a carbon steel wok on the burner. I have the natural gas version. It doesn’t really look like it’s something being deposited onto the area but that area burning. If I use it for a while and then take the wok off I can see some fumes coming from that area.

White on paint small.
White on paint



The white area is where the flame touches the stove.   No paint can survive direct flame.  The paint will eventually be burnt off.   Paint burning generates smoke.  The smoke should go along bottom of the wok and up.  It will not get into your food.  Please stay away from the smoke such that you don’t inhale it.  Once the paint is fully burnt off, the smoke should stop.

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A few Questions on Ignition Tip

Customer (PF13L160EI): 

Hi – the wok burner arrived recently. It’s my second one. This one is for a different house.  I have a couple of questions. I have attached pictures showing my concerns.

1) The pilot light tube is a bit shorter than on my initial burner. See first picture. On my original burner the brass tip fits into the notch on the base. Is this too short? Do you have a picture of what it should look like?

2) The brass threaded part is too far from the screen. See second picture. How close should it be? Is this an adjustment for fuel to air ratio? Do you have a picture of what it should look like?

3) A wire piece fell out during shipping. It looks like it might be used to hold the ignitor in place. See last 2 pictures. Do you have a picture of what it should look like?



Thank you for your pictures along with your questions.

The ignition tip can sit far away from the notch or even outside of the wind guard, to prevent its rubber wire insulation to be burnt.   The ignition flame can shoot far to top of the main burner for main burner ignition.  Please turn the brass piece 90 degrees such that the black wire/white piece joint area is far from burner pipe, like below picture.

    Ignition head needs 90 degrees turn

The wheel is adjustable.  Its position is usually at its optimal position at our test time before pack for shippin

You are correct.  The retention clip needs to hold the white ignition piece.

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Does electronic ignition stove have a pilot flame?


One more question: I couldn’t quite tell if the electronic ignition version is the same as the manual other than the igniter. Does it also have a pilot light? So if the igniter fails eventually, will I just have a manual version?


None of electronic ignition stoves has a pilot light.   The electronic ignition tip can NOT serve as a pilot light.   The ignition flame needs to be turned off after the main burner flame is lit.   Turning off the ignition flame is necessary to protect burning of the ignition wire.  Once the electronic ignition fails, you can use a long nose BBQ ignitor to ignite the main burner directly.   Between cooking dishes, you can turn down the main burner flame to preserve fuel.  

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Long leg stove to work with the stand?


Hello , can i put the 160 long leg wok in the stand,? I really like it


The long legs are detachable.  Once detached, the stove is a short leg version, ready to be inserted into the stand hole.   


That’s great news, i don’t plan to move this often, do u recommend the table for stability?


The table only weighs 11lbs.  To our understanding, its bottom shelf will need to be weighed down with heavy object for better stability.   We have stabilizers for long legs that also improves stability of the stove. 

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Knob Modification?

Customer (PF13L160_Stabilizers): 

I just got a powerflamer 160 (propane, long leg with stabilizers, manual ignition)
Question 1: am I able to safely remove the gas adjustment knob and replace it with a lever of some kind ?
It is difficult to tell the power level of the flame by sight alone as I cook in broad daylight, yes I can hear the power of the flame but sometimes that’s not enough.
Question 2:
I have the long leg version. I see the metal table/ stand you sell in “accessories” if for the short leg version of the stove. Does that really matter? They appear to be the same would I be able to put my long leg stove (obviously without the legs) in the metal stand if I wanted to later on ?
Thank you !


The concern of changing the knob to any level is that the level tends to allow too much force into the shaft and the valve body.  This will wear out the valve much quicker, if not damage it at the beginning.  Can you draw marker (using a permanent marker) on the knob instead?

For fitting into the stand hole, you simply remove the long legs.  Without the long legs, the stove is a short leg version, ready to be inserted into the stand hole.


The permanent marker idea will work I was also thinking the lever would be more convenient flame adjustment but that’s ok.

One more question I watched the video concerning how to know when the flame power is too high I believe it was #2 on the list

May I ask why the design is this way where the flame backfires on to the gas line ? It seems very dangerous. Anyone could no watch that video and adjust their flame to full power not knowing the danger of that.


Good question.  The flame going downward is due to combination of raising too much power from the stove along with a wok on top of the stove blocking the flame upward.   Our latest stove design already improves this situation to our best, although we can’t guarantee for all woks out there.    This is why we warn at ship time. 

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Gap between wind guard and wok, needed?

Customer (PF13S160_Cover): 

Hi:  I just received Powerflamer 160 and when I placed my wok on it, there is a gap of 1/4 inch in between the bottom of the wok and the flame guard. My understanding is that there should be no gap between the flame guard and the wok. If so, can I grind the three wok holder a bit so that my wok sits perfectly without any gap. Please advise. Thank you.


No.  The gaps are for the flame to come around bottom of the wok.   If there is no gap, the flame will not have anyplace to go but burning the inner wall of the wind guard and be forced downward to burn anything outside of bottom area. 

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Burnt ignition wire and rusted screws.

Customer (PF13CL160EI_Stabilizers)

Hello,  Since about 6 months ago in April/May I have had a problem with the wire for the igniter having come off.  I don’t know how it happen, but I am thinking it is perhaps heat related? Perhaps the igniter is not positioned correctly and too close to the main burner.  I also see an issue with the screws being very rusty, and wonder if this will become a bigger problem later and I won’t be able to replace them if they have gotten too rusty.  Can you advice me on how to best fix these issues? I don’t mind doing it myself, but if you can guide me on which screw sizes to get, and the cable used for the igniter, I would appreciate it very much.

If I can buy the parts from your store, that would be an appreciated option as well.  I have attached some photos and a short video showing the issues.   Best regards.


Thx for your photos and video showing your concerns. 

Regarding the ignition wire coming off from the white tip, please see attached on how to fix it. 

Regarding the rusted screw heads on top of main burner, your concern is thoughtful, those screws will need to be taken off if the burner top plate holes need cleaning.  Even if the top screw is rusted that a screwdriver is not helpful, there are two nuts at bottom of burner that can be loosened to get these two screws off.  Any new screws exposed to high heat will always rust.   We recommend leaving them as is. 

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Leg Stability and Ignition Position Questions?

Customer (PF13L160EI):  

Customer (PF13L160EI)

Hi –  Our team has been trying to shoot this wok for an article and have come across some issues.

They stated that the legs won’t stay in properly making it feel unstable. They also noted that the box came messed up, so are unsure if that is why the legs are a little wanky. They also discovered that the electric starter doesn’t reach the main bowl portion of the burner to light (about 4in short). I’ve included some photos for reference.

Is there any way to get a replacement sent?

long legs not spaced correctly
long legs not spaced correctly
Ignition needs to bend back to top gently.
Ignition needs to bend back to top gently.



For leg stability, can you watch video #12 on “How to achieve stable long legs for PowerFlamer propane 160 stoves?  Flip the stove upside down, align the leg screw with the base plate flat surface, tighten the screw with a flat screw driver”?  Your supplied #1 picture shows that the long legs need to turn 180 degrees to make their distances on the ground wider for better stability.    Screws on the long leg adaptors also need to tighten to inner side of the baseplate short legs for better stability.    Inner sides of the baseplate short legs are flat, made for screw tightening.   

The igniter tip is better sitting outside of the stove wind guard.  The igniter wire (black) has insulation and can be burnt if the stove flame comes too close to it.  When ignition, the ignition flame can shoot quite far to top of the main burner.  It does not need to sit inside the wind guard.   The copper ignition copper tube (wrapped with the black insulation ignition wire) is flexible.  You can gently bend it back such that the tip is pointing toward top of the main burner.   

Installation guide is at   Please reply if you have further questions.

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Tank connection in Norway

Customer (PF13L160EI_STabilizers_Cover): 

Hi,  Stirfyer is now operational and first very promising results. Excellent.

Just wanted to give you another feedback in case you get more customers from Norway. I was struggling to connect the fryer to the propane bottles here. A combination of your link below and some further googling solved the issue.

I solved by 

1) getting a bottle with industrial connector

2) connected to this adapter–klima/gassinstallasjon/andregassdeler/overgang-propangasol-eurpol/?code=28203    which connects to the ‘German’ system.

3) connected that to the adapter from your link below (US-German)

4) and that to the fryer.

Took me some time to work this out, it may be of help to your other customers.  



Thank for your information on how to solve the connection.   Instead of having two adaptors, you might want to use one like Propane LP Tank Adapter POL x ACME QCC 1 Tank Adapter.  Best.