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Long leg stove to work with the stand?


Hello , can i put the 160 long leg wok in the stand,? I really like it


The long legs are detachable.  Once detached, the stove is a short leg version, ready to be inserted into the stand hole.   


That’s great news, i don’t plan to move this often, do u recommend the table for stability?


The table only weighs 11lbs.  To our understanding, its bottom shelf will need to be weighed down with heavy object for better stability.   We have stabilizers for long legs that also improves stability of the stove. 

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Stand stability?


if I purchase the stand (not the long legs) can I slide and toss with stability or would it be shaky? Thank you.


We usually recommend putting more weight on the stand bottom shelf to increase stability in case of tossing.  A couple examples can be found by clicking on the “Usage Examples” section of the stand product page.

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Which model is displayed in this video?


Which model is displayed here:
Can you get the 6b in the non-plus? What’s the lead time for the plus? Can the stand be used for the plus? If we use a propane tank, can we buy the Natural Gas Quick Connector in the future and convert? If we order with the long legs, those are just attachments so if we want to put it in a stand in the future, we can, right? 


The stove in video by our customer is a PowerFlamer propane 160 plus integrated electronic ignition one.  The stand is compatible with the plus model.  Our propane stove can’t be converted to use natural gas.  Long legs can be detached to have a short leg stove to insert into the stand. 

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Some questions on stand and PowerFlamer stoves.


Hello,  Please help me understand some things.  To build a complete working set up. For example a power burner 160 with short legs( maybe none).

Does this burner fit into and sit atop of the stainless cart ( if wheels were included)?

Also the 160 has the two ring burner right? A inner and a larger outer circular flame?

Also with both models whether electronic ignition or manual the pilot light once ignited is always available to engage the burner as needed?

Just trying to understand everything.

I’ve dreamed about something like this since the late 80’s.    Thanks for your response


Only our PowerFlamer propane 160 short leg stoves can sit on the stainless stand.  Stand wheel is an option you can order.   Our standard 5B burner has 2 rings of flames, both are circular with outer larger flame.   The manual stove has a pilot flame which can stay lit during cooking.   The electronic version has an electronic ignition.  The electronic ignition flame needs to be turned off to protect its wire insulation after igniting the main burner.   

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Question on stand and long leg stove


Hello, does the stainless stove stand work with the long leg powerflamer 160? Could I remove the legs and just use the stand? Thanks!


The stand only works with the PowerFlamer propane 160 short leg stoves as now.  If you have a long leg stove, it becomes a short leg one after you remove the long legs.  

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Questions on electronic ignition options, stand and cover.


Hi, I’ve seen many people on YouTube cook with your burner and it looks to be the best for outside wok cooking. I have a few questions.

The difference between regular one and integrated electronic ignition is just the auto starter right or are there more differences? Do both have pilot flame for low heat cooking times?

I really like the stove stand, I assume that fits your burners perfectly right, just put them in and be done?

What are the stabilizers and curious what color the stove cover is? If I get the stove stand do you have cover for that as well?

Thanks very excited to have found you guys will do some videos on Facebook and probably get you more customers


  1. For difference between EI and IEI options, please read  Electronic ignition can’t serve as pilot flame.  Only our manual ignition option has a built-in pilot flame.
  2. Our PowerFlamer propane 160 short leg stove can drop onto the top hole on the stand. 
  3. Please click on “Usage Example” on the product page to see how stabilizers are used for more stable legs.  
  4. Please click on “Usage Examples” on the stand product page to see 2 colors examples. 


Thank you for quick response!  So if I want the stove stand and don’t care about using a lighter to initially light it I want the PowerFlamer Propane 160 with short legs and manual ignition?  Since I will have stand won’t need stabilizers correct?

For stand if I get wheels they can be locked it looks like in picture.

Will be ordering today just want to get exactly what I need.  Very excited to get your product and do proper wok cooking!  Right now even when wok is 585 degrees it falls to 180 the sec cold chicken or meat hit pan!  I end up cooking food with steam and not the searing hot pan I want/need!  🙂  I don’t think people realize they NEED your product!


  1. Your selection of short leg manual stove is correct for stand.
  2. The stand wheels have lock.  The stand is not that stable either when considering how people do their wok tossing, please click on “Usage Examples” on the stand product page to see pictures of heavy objects on the stand lower shelf for more stable cooking.
  3. Please watch 2nd video “How to know when to stop increasing power to a PowerFlamer propane/natural gas 160/120 stove?”  on our product documentation page when increasing the stove power flame. 


Was going to order but a little nervous about comment about stability of stand.  Can propane fit under the burner to give it more weight?  How heavy is burner?  I think my wife would complain if I put bricks on it, maybe I could put some of our cast iron pans we keep inside on it they’re quite heavy.  I could cook with a big cast iron pan on this as well if I want to do seared steaks or smash burgers right?

I have a pit boss flat top grill I plan to get rid of and focus on wok and cast iron pan cooking on your device hopefully.  I want the functionality with something that looks nice so wife doesn’t complain all the time.  🙂


The height between two shelves of the stand does not fit a propane tank if you consider height of stove coming down from the top shelf hole.   A short leg PowerFlamer propane stove has weight about 23lbs. 

If your and wife’s wok cooking does not involve much wok tossing which can carry an edge of the stove which in turn affects the stand, you don’t have to worry much about the stability.   We are user to the stove with long legs ourselves for last 20 years.   We don’t have any stabilizers since our cooking style does not involve tossing.  Even if we toss (a few times in last 20 years), we make sure to lift the entire wok out of stove not to affect the stove.


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Can a regular 20lbs propane tank fit under the stove in the stove stand?

Customer (PF13S160_Cover):

I received my Powerflame Propane 160 short leg burner last week, much faster than I had expected! I haven’t set it up yet because of the cold weather.

I am now interested in purchasing the stand but am wondering if the lower shelf on this stand is adjustable so that I can drop the shelf down low enough to place my 20lb propane tank.   Thank you.


The height of the stand lower shelf is not adjustable due to its mating hole location on the leg.   With the stove height coming down from the stand top, there is not enough room for a regular 20lbs propane tank under the stove.

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Stand for PowerFlamer natural gas stoves


Hi: I want to make sure before I order…will the wok stove stand work with the Power Flamer natural gas stove? The webpage for the wok stove stand says it will work with the Power Flamer propane stove, but it doesn’t state that it will work with the natural gas stove.


the stand does not work wit the natural gas stove.   


Thank you. Is there an alternative stand for the natural gas stove?


The natural gas wind guard construction is different and can not be supported by the stand.   We don’t have a stand product for it.  There are customers who build their own cart or cook station to support it if not willing to use stabilizers.

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Differences of 160EI and 160IEI and Stand Question


I see the FAQ about the differences of 160EI and 160IEI. Other than the separate knobs, is one system more reliable than the other or lower maintenance? If the electronic ignition has issues, are there parts to replace? Is there any warranty on the wok burners?

I am interested in the steel stand, but see it is currently out of stock. How does the powerflamer 160 mounted/secured to the stand?


Both systems should have about the same reliability and maintenance.   Some people prefer integrated knob control while others prefer separate control.   Since the IEI ignition has a cover, the cover can protect better the ignition section to be damaged in case the stove falls.   If the electronic ignition has issue, its entire assembly will need to be replaced entirely.  We support our customers on whatever problem they are facing.  However, we don’t offer any warranty.

On how to use the stand, you can look at the “Usage Examples” section of the product web page.


Is the stand plug and play or do you need to install it?.  Also is the stand more sturdier?


The stand goes as parts.  Customer will need to install it.  Installing it is straight forward.   We don’t provide installation guide.   The stand is quite light weight, 11lbs.  It does not provide better stability than the stabilizer approach.  To increase stability, heavy objects like concrete block/bricks are needed to be placed on the stand.  For usage examples, please see “Usage Examples” section of the product page  


Is the stove significantly more stable in the cart compared to when it’s on legs?  Does the stove cover fit over the cart as well? If not, do you know of a cover that does?


The stand is quite light weight, 11lbs.  It does not provide better stability than the stabilizer approach.  To increase stability, heavy objects like concrete block/bricks are needed to be placed on the stand.  For usage examples, please see “Usage Examples” section of the product page  

Our stove cover fits the stand as well.  For pictures, please see “Usage Examples” section of the product


Will the stove stand with bricks to weigh it down be more stable than the stabilizer approach? My #1 concern is that the setup doesn’t tip over.


With heavy objects on both stand and stabilizers, stability depends on joints in the system.  For the stand, joints are between legs and top cover, between legs and lower shelf.  For the stabilizers, joints are between the stabilizers and legs, between legs and stoves.   In this case the stand might provide slight better stability. 

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Can the stainless stove stand be used with a long leg PowerFlamer propane 16 stove?

Customer (PF13L160EI)

Can the Stainless Stove Stand available on your website store be used with the burner PF13L160EI I purchased? Is there an opening on the top surface that you insert the burner into (with the legs off)?  Are the short legs basically the 3 little stubs on bottom of the burner unit?


When you remove the long legs, the stove becomes a short leg version.  It can be inserted to the stove stand.   The stove stand has a top opening to insert a short leg PowerFlamer propane 160 stove.  The stove stand on itself is quite light weight, using it with a short leg version stove does not improve entire stove system stability much as compared with a long leg stove with stabilizers.  However you can put heavy objects like bricks, concrete block on to the stove stand lower shelf to improve its stability.