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How long will the gas burner (PF13L160) last using the 1lb. propane bottle?


Quick question, for the models that can handle both the 20lb propane tank and the 1lb. portables propane bottle. How long will the gas burner last using the 1lb. propane bottle?


Our experience is that a bottle is sufficient for one night camping cooking for a family of 4.  To be sure, we usually bring two bottles.

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New Generation of PF13x160 stoves improves further!

Our new generation of PF13x160 stoves, which include PF13L160, PF13S160, PF13CL160 and PF13CS160, has improvements on various areas:

  • The long leg stoves are much more sturdier by our new leg design to accommodate the long leg adapter.
  • The burner pipe design is adjusted such that our short leg stoves are more stable when stand along.
  • Burner flame adjustment is much smoother and continuous.
  • Pilot light, when lit, is more stable.
  • Our stainless braided hose and regulator assembly can now be detached from the burner, following to industry standard. 
  • Our wok adapter has been redesigned not to block any flame from the burner.   

For stoves detail please visit the product page.