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Question on Natural Gas stove length.

Customer (PF13x160): 

I am a satisfied and happy owner of your propane 160,000 btu burner with the manual ignition, but I am now interested in purchasing a second burner, this time the natural gas version (and I would give my propane burner to a family member). However I notice that supply pipe extends out quite a distance which may not fit in my installation.

Could you please tell me how long the pipe is from the outer circumference of the burner?


The valve inlet on the natural gas stove is about 12” away from its wind guard. 

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Ignition flame for Electronic ignition

Customer (PF13L160EI): 

Hi I have received and been testing the wok burner but i am having some trouble dialing the pilot burner. It seems to always be spitting a long 6 to 8 inch long flame. Is that normal ? Is there any way i can adjust the flame on the pilot ? Plus im kinda worried that the electric igniter might melt if i leave if on.


Thank you for your email and photo.  Electronic ignition is just for ignition, can’t stay on during cooking.   It needs to be shut off after the main burner flame is ignited.  The electronic ignition flame is designed to be long such that the ignition tip does not need to stay inside the wind guard.  You can arrange the tip such that the flamer shoot toward top of the main burner.

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New models and cleaning?


I was wondering if you had a preferred method of cleaning the whole burner. Usually, I don’t clean the burner after every cook. Is there a way that you would recommend to clean it fully? To restore it? What I mean is: rust, debris, what problems to look for…?

Also, have you updated the 160 manual ignition model? Will you continue making it, or is the electric model what you will be focusing on?


When using the stove, try not to spill thing on top of the burner.  Burner holes need to stay clean and without clog.  In case you observe yellow flame, it is time to clean the holes.  

People like pilot flame and manual stove is popular.  We will keep offering it.   We strive our best to update images on our product pages to reflect the latest products as we improve.   For latest look, please check out our product pages at

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Pilot Flame to Cook Dishes

Customer (PF13S160)

Hello, I am writing to update my experience with my burner. I am very happy, I like how great it is to use the pilot because it allows me to fry on very low heat, for example I fried potatoes, tilapia and spring rolls only with the help of the pilot. I’m sending you pictures of today’s food May 10, vegetables with shrimp and chicken, caramelized ribs, spring rolls and butter fried rice. Kind regards.

Pork  Rib and Spring Rolls
Pork Rib and Spring Rolls



Thank you for pictures of your delicious dishes with technique of using the pilot flame.   Do you get too much yellow flame if you only use it?


Hi, I use the pilot light to fry as normal without worrying about burning my food. the flame is blue. In Mexico we used to fry plantains for dessert, I also fried potatoes for hamburgers. I used the high heat for the vegetable, shrimp and chicken stir-fry. My guests were able to savor the authentic taste of Asian food from restaurants but cooked in my garden. Kind regards.

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Need protection against rain?

Customer (PF13L160): 

I would like to know if the burner should always be protected from rain or is it resistant to rust?


The burner material is cast iron.  Paint can be burnt off wherever flame touches.  If you don’t protect against rain/snow/moisture, those area will start rusting.  Burner may not produce correct flame if rust.

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Unboxing a PowerFlamer stove and a stand

Customer (PF13S160 and Stand_Wheels): 

Just got the burner and stand, WOW!!! Put together a couple of posts you might want to see on Reddit


thank you for your posts.  They are well written.  I believe you will continue your writing and maybe videos.  We will try to put the  links to your posts on our website. 

  1.  Restaurant stove usually only has two power setting.  Leaving any power on the main burner burns food.   PowerFlamer burner power is continuous.   People can dial the main burner power down significantly as compared to restaurant stove.  This is why pilot light is not as crucial in PowerFlamer product offerings. 
  2. The stand edges are sharp.  Please be cautious on it. 
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Flat Bottom Cookware Adaptor

Customer (PF13L160IEI_Cover)

Hi, I love my burner. I’d like to get the Flat Bottom Cookware Adaptor, will you be getting any more?  Thanks.


The flat bottom cookware adaptor does not work with PowerFlamer 160 stove you have.  It is meant for the PowerFlamer 130 stove only.   If your flat bottom cookware diameter is >13”, it should be able to sit on top of your stove.

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Flat Bottom Cookware Adaptor Question

Customer (PowerFlamer PF 160):

I need a flat-bottom cookware adaptor for my PF 160 burner. The only adapter I can see in your site is this SKU: FBCA_PF13x130 Category: Accessory Tags: FBCA_PF13, FBCA_PF13x130, flat bottom cookware adaptor.  Please advise how I can order a flat adaptor that will work for the PF-160 burner.  Thank you for your kindest attention.  Best Regards.


FBCA_PF13x130 does not work on PowerFlamer 160.  It only works for our PF13x130 stove.  We are afraid that people order it by mistake and purposely remove its inventory.  For PF 160 there is no flat bottom cookware adaptor.  If your flat bottom cookware diameter is >13”, you can place it directly on PF160 stove.  My wife has one flat pan and uses it with a PowerFlamer propane 160 stove without any problem.

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Can I leave the pilot light burning while I’m cooking?

Customer (PF13CL160): 

Can I leave the pilot light burning while I’m cooking?


You have a manual ignition stove.  The pilot light can stay on during cooking.   The tube is a bit short.  The pilot flame will burn off paint around it.  This does not affect function of the pilot or the main burner. 


Thank you.   love the 160

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flame doesn’t come out of the burner evenly and a layer of black soot shows up on the bottom of my wok.

Customer (PF13L160): 

Hello!  My wife purchased one of your PowerFlamer 160 wok burner for my Birthday last year and I LOVE IT. Unfortunately the cover I wasn’t as water proof as advertised and the burner has gotten a corroded. Now when I use the flame doesn’t come out of the burner evenly and a layer of black soot shows up on the bottom of my wok whenever I use it.

1) Is there a good way I can clean the burner?
2) If not can I buy a replacement burner? Everything else is working great.


Can you watch video #5 “The yellow flame might be caused by the air/fuel mixing wheel being turned far toward the burner pipe. Adjust the wheel a bit away from the burner inlet should help.” On this page   Let us know if it helps.  


Adjusting the oxygen flow did significantly reduce the soot issue, thanks!   I am still not getting gas out of all of the burner holes, is there a suggested method for cleaning them out?


Don’t you get flame out of some holes at low flame level or high level?   Maybe you can send a video to show.


At very low levels I can get flames out of most holes, on high it goes away.  Here is a link to the video sorry it was a little too big to send as an attachment.


Cleaning burner holes on its top plate with appropriate wire size may help.   Below are steps to open the burner top plate:

  1. Take the wok ring adaptor away.
  2. Remove two bolt/nut sets between wind guard and burner base plate.
  3. Flip the burner base plate upside down.
  4. Remove 3 mounting screws between base plate and burner.
  5. Remove base plate to expose the burner bottom.
  6. The burner top plate is mounted with 2 sets of small bolt/nuts.  Remove these.
  7. Take the burner top plate out for hole cleaning. 
  8. Reverse sequence above to mount back.  Please check burner pipe is clean before reverse assembly.

Let us know if there is further question.


That worked!  Thank you for all the help.

